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Out of scope vehicles

Certain categories of vehicle fall outside the scope of the kilometer charge

Download a table (in Dutch) showing illustrative examples of vehicles which may or may not be subjected to the kilometer charge.

The different categories are:

Specific construction vehicles

Specific construction vehicles to the extent that they do not transport goods, such as: cranes, telehandlers / lifts, excavators,
bulldozers, concrete pumps without mixer, Dumpers (see table above).

Vehicles with a “green” test drive plate​

Only vehicles with test drive plates, among commercial “green” license plates, will not fall under the scope of the kilometer charge. These license plates are used by design agencies or manufacturers to test a specific vehicle or its components. They cannot transport any cargo, nor private, nor commercial. It is mandatory to register your vehicle and is limited in time (duration of the tests). To make a request, please use the contact form.

Old timer vehicles 

Old timer vehicles with an O-license plate used only under the terms of article 2, 7 ° of the Royal Decree of March 15, 1968, relating to the technical conditions of vehicles. This means that without an OBU they cannot transport any goods, either commercially or privately. They may not be used commercially or professionally, carry out remunerated transport of persons, nor be used as tools or for commuting.

Consult the infographic on old timer vehicles

Training vehicles​ ​

Training vehicles insofar they meet the following conditions:

  • they have dual controls in the cabin
  • they carry no goods (except for educational purposes, such as f.i. concrete blocks)
  • they are externally recognizable by the name “drivers school” on the cabin
  • they are registered in the name of a drivers school or a social fund for Transportation and Logistics

Optional notifications of aforementioned vehicles, which fall outside the kilometer charge and are registered in Belgium, can be sent to the tax authorities of the regions where they are registered.

For vehicles registered abroad, sent a mail to contact@viapass.be. You will need to attach the contact details of the applicant, together with photographs of the side and rear of the vehicle with registration plate visible and a copy of the vehicle documents (this procedure might take a few days).