
Every day, more than 400,000 truck inspections are being done  on the correct compliance with the kilometer charge. This means that every truck is checked three times a day on average.
The authorities have three ways of controlling the vehicles:

– Via fixed gantries on the main roads, equipped with cameras and license plate recognition.
– Via movable control cameras
– Via control vehicles managed with control officers

Agents of the regional tax authorities are driving around on the roads to check compliance with the kilometer charge. These persons have the authority to make you pull over and issue fines. Their vehicles are clearly recognizable by the region’s logo and the Viapass logo. Their uniforms also make it clear that they are exercising control on behalf of the tax authorities.

In case of a violation of the kilometer charge, the regions can issue an administrative fine ranging between 100 and 1,000 euros, depending on the severity of the violation. The tariff of the various fines can be found here, in Dutch and in French 


Fines and possibility of reply

If a violation of your vehicle has been detected, you will receive a notification from the region that established the violation; (see examples from Brussels, Flanders, and Wallonia here. You will also find translations of the examples in Polish, Bulgarian, Lithuanian and Romanian).

You will immediately receive a penalty form from Brussels or Flanders. If you wish to dispute the fine, you can lodge an objection. Add your arguments, the invoice for the kilometers driven at the time of the determination of the fine, a scan of your vehicle documents and, if necessary, a photo of the vehicle with legible number plate. You can send this to

Note: objections are not always accepted. Afterwards, a fine can effectively follow or you can be stopped on the road by control agents.



This is the way to recognize the teams controlling the kilometer charge

The control vehicles of the Brussels Region can be recognized by their blue color and the Viapass logo

The Flemish control vehicles opted for the color yellow, with a clear print, and the Viapass logo.


Wallonia has a purple striping  and the logo of the Walloon Region and Viapass.

Authorized inspectors are clearly identifiable by their uniform. They have the power to put trucks aside and, if necessary, to fine them. In this photo, the uniform of the Brussels agents.

The agents of the Flemish tax authorities can be recognized by their yellow uniforms.

And finally the agents of the Walloon Region