Semi-trailer towing vehicles of under 3.5 tons GVW are subject to kilometer charge as of January 1st 2018


As of January 1st 2018 semi-trailer towing vehicles of under or equal to 3.5 tons GVW with a body code BC will be subject to Kilometer Charge in Belgium. They must have a switched-on On Board Unit (OBU) when they take the public road in Belgium.

These semi-trailer towing vehicles are designed to transport goods. They consist of a cabin and a linking plate for adding a trailer, resulting in a Gross Vehicle Weight of over 3.5 tons. By design, these vehicles are only meant to transport goods. They differ from vans with a tow-bar to which a trailer can be coupled optionally. Here you can find some illustrative pictures and a poster on the new measure.

The three Belgian regions have decided to make this category of vehicles submitted to the kilometer charge in Belgium as of January 1st 2018. This means they must have a OBU aboard that is constantly switched-on when driving the Belgian public roads. They will be billed per kilometer driven on paying toll roads to an amount related to their weight and emission norm.

Vehicle owners who are not yet accustomed to the procedure may find every information on the way to order and install an OBU on the website of Viapass. Here they can find an exhaustive Q&A document which clarifies the most common questions. An example video regarding semi-trailer vehicles of under 3.5 tons is to be found at Viapass’ YouTube channel.

OBU’s can be ordered at service providers accredited by Viapass or at the distribution machines at one of the 128 service points in Belgium and at the borders.