Kilometer charge in Belgium
Let us help you
Have you already read our page "Who is it for"?
Please contact your service provider. You will find the list on the page below:
Having trouble with your OBU?
Contact the region that issued the fine:
Do you have a question or comment about Viapass? Please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact form below. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. If you have any questions about your On Board Unit, please call your service provider, not Viapass.
You can use this form to provide feedback on service providers of the kilometer charge in the Belgian toll domains, which are supervised and coordinated by Viapass. The notion of evaluation covers:
Anonymous complaints will not be processed.
We take your privacy into account. More information about what we do with your data can be found in our privacy declaration.
PDF file only
To be able to drive in Belgium with a trial plate without On Board Unit, all conditions must be met.
Are you:
- a manufacturer or builder of motor vehicles - a research center of a higher education institution - an organizer of test drives with autonomous vehicles - a company that performs tests on components or systems that contribute to the technical improvement of vehicles which have already been approved?
Do you transport cargo with your vehicle?
We take your privacy into account. You can find more information about what we do with your data in our privacy declaration.
In order to comply with the conditions, you must not carry any load with your vehicle, and you must correspond to one of the profiles below: - a motor vehicle manufacturer or assembler ; - a research center of a higher education institution; - an organizer of autonomous vehicle tests; - a company testing components or systems for the technical improvement of vehicles already approved. For your information: In Belgium and Luxembourg, Dutch dealer plates are only allowed for delivering or picking up a vehicle for buying and selling the vehicle. So not for a test drive. More info on the RDW website